Etodolac: an overview of a selective COX | 藥品回收網
由RAJones著作·1999·被引用33次—Etodolacisanon-steroidalanti-inflammatorydrug(NSAID)whichhasbeenshowntobeeffectiveinthetreatmentofrheumatoidarthritisandosteoarthritisanda ...
Etodolac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) which has been shown to be effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis and a selective COX-2 inhibitor in a wide range of clinically relevant assays in direct comparisons with other NSAIDs. Studies have shown etodolac to have no overall suppression of gastric or duodenal prostaglandins and endoscopic analysis with etodolac showed placebo level scores in comparison with ibuprofen, which showed inducement of gastro-intestinal (GI) side effects. This high degree of gastric tolerability was further demonstrated by microbleeding studies. The favourable GI tolerability profile of etodolac has been shown in long-term and large-scale trials and by routine clinical observation. In summary, etodolac is a well established selective COX-2 inhibitor that has been shown not to suppress gastric or duodenal prostaglandins, to have minimal hepatic or renal effe...
Etodolac 用藥指導單張 | 藥品回收網
平痛持續性藥效錠400 毫克 | 藥品回收網
艾雷克持續性藥效錠600 公絲 | 藥品回收網
Etodolac用藥指導單張 | 藥品回收網
"正和" 平痛持續性藥效錠400 毫克Pinton SR Tablets 400mg ... | 藥品回收網
易舒炎緩釋錠400 毫克 | 藥品回收網
ETODOLAC ( Lodine ; 依托度酸) | 藥品回收網
Etodolac: an overview of a selective COX | 藥品回收網
Etodolac | 藥品回收網
【106年12月5日 FDA藥字第1061411295號(食藥署藥品組)】:羅得愛口口內膏1公絲/公克(丙酮特安皮質醇) AYCO IN ORABASE 1MG/GM "ROOT" (TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE)
【107年12月25日 FDA藥字第1071411037號(食藥署藥品組)】:羅得 賜連乳膏 QUADRUPLE CREAM "ROOT"