Nelson's syndrome | 藥品回收網
由JPatel著作·2015·被引用42次—Nelson'ssyndromeisarareclinicalmanifestationthatoccursin8%-47%ofpatientsasacomplicationofbilateraladrenalectomy,aprocedurethatisusedto ...
Nelsons syndrome is a rare clinical manifestation that occurs in 8%-47% of patients as a complication of bilateral adrenalectomy, a procedure that is used to control hypercortisolism in patients with Cushings disease. First described in 1958 by Dr. Don Nelson, the disease has since become associated with a clinical triad of hyperpigmentation, excessive adrenocorticotropin secretion, and a corticotroph adenoma. Even so, for the past several years the diagnostic criteria and management of Nelsons syndrome have been inadequately studied. The primary treatment for Nelsons syndrome is transsphenoidal surgery. Other stand-alone therapies, which in many cases have been used as adjuvant treatments with surgery, include radiotherapy, radiosurgery, and pharmacotherapy. Prophylactic radiotherapy at the time of bilateral adrenalectomy can prevent Nelsons syndrome (protective effect). The most promising pharmacological agents ...
Nelson's syndrome | 藥品回收網
Nelson Syndrome: Background | 藥品回收網
Nelson Syndrome | 藥品回收網
Nelson Syndrome | 藥品回收網
Nelson's Syndrome | 藥品回收網
Nelson syndrome | 藥品回收網
Nelson's syndrome | 藥品回收網
Nelson's Syndrome | 藥品回收網
Nelson's Syndrome - UCLA Neurosurgery | 藥品回收網
Nelson syndrome | 藥品回收網
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